Top 3 Blogging tips

It’s my 2 year anniversary this week. Yay!!!

I’m so grateful to all my followers and readers. I’m truly humbled by this fantastic community. You’re all supportive, encouraging and willing to connect. And that’s a big deal for me. I adore being an author, spending hours at a time immersed in my imagination, but it’s vital for my sanity to know that you guys are just a few clicks away.

Thank you message in a bottle

Here are my top 3 blogging tips that have helped on my journey so far…

  1. Consistency. Be realistic with how often you can post. It’s all well and good having the intention of posting 3 times a week, but if life gets in the way blogging will be the first thing to slip. So be honest about how much time you can dedicate. I knew that after family and work commitments my writing came next. That’s why I choose to post once a week and its been maintainable. It’s also been rewarding, beyond my wildest dreams. I’ve made some great friends like Ari Meghlen. Her blog is full of writing, blogging and platform building tips. Check her out.

2. Connect.  This is a two-way network. So reach out to fellow bloggers. Read their posts and leave a comment, its more personal than simply liking a post. Although I love it when anyone clicks on the little star.

This week I’ve found two new beta readers K.M. Allen and Uninspired writers.  Ladies, welcome to my realm. Take a look at their fantasic blogs full of writing tips.

3. Schedule posts. This tip is for me too. I really need to take my own advice. Organise post in advance. That way when something unexpected crops up, you’re covered. It’s easy to do: Open post settings. Under Status, click on the arrow next to Publish Immediately and a calendar opens up. Then you can set a date and time. When you’re happy with your choice hit the blue Schedule button and you’re all set.

Alternatively, why not re-blog one of your fellow bloggers posts. It’s a great way to stay consistent with your blog and helps to build connections with your bloggers.

Do you have any great tips to share? Let me know in the comments, you know I love to hear from you. Till next time, Much Love. Xx


Author Lorraine Ambers - YA fantasy romance writer

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© Author Lorraine Ambers and, 2018.

49 thoughts on “Top 3 Blogging tips

  1. Congrats!! My favorite tip: Don’t be afraid to share what you’re working on. It may not seem all that important, but if it’s something you care about, others will care too. You can share the books that you’re reading, the music you’re currently listening to, the things that inspire you…it doesn’t have to be anything earth-shattering to connect with other readers. Happy blog-iversary!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome advice. I find that blogging is my favorite shiny new toy right now, but like all favorite shiny new toys, I’m certain to grow bored. I’d like to get to the point where I post once a week, like you do!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ooo, blogging tips. I’ve written lots of them over the years I’ve been blogging. The best ones I can give are to always keep blogging fun and enjoyable (never let it get you stressed or make you feel guilty) and don’t become a number hunter where the numbers (stats) are more important than what you write or read.
    Congratulations on your 2nd blogging anniversary, Lorraine. 95% of those who start a blog never make it past the first 24 months.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations on your Blogiversary!! You have done awesome, your blog is so inspiring!

    Aww thanks for the kind words, I have been so honoured to be your friend and your beta reader.

    Great tips. Consistency was so hard for me at the beginning. OMG scheduling is a life saver! I don’t always manage it, but I try and get all my week’s posts written and scheduled at the beginning of the week. This is especially important now I post more frequently.

    Connecting is the best thing about blogging. Meeting awesome people like yourself and creating new connections and friendships 🙂 So much better than with regular social media, I feel.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I know what you mean. I almost gave up all SM until I found Buffer and then decided to just limit myself to 3 and even then, I give some more attention than others.

        Liked by 1 person

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