Make Powerful Intentions and Reach your Goals

Happy New Year!

Hello, my wonderful blogging community, fellow writers and avid readers.

I make vague resolutions at best, that evolve my aspirations into intentions and goals. And the reason why I’m not so hot for resolutions, is because they’re as fragile as glass. Treated like promises, that ultimately shatter into a million fragments and scatter to the wind. Never to be recovered, or fulfilled – leaving only bitter disappointment. It’s how I imagine Cinderella felt, a rich world of wishes and dreams at her fingertips only to vanish at that notorious strike of midnight.

Cinderella giphy

Instead I promise to honour myself with love and care. To grow in new ways that allow for my writing journey to unfold.  Whatever will be, will be… helped along by my hard work and determination.

Even though I’ve taken a couple of weeks away from blogging, I’ve loved reading everyone’s reflections about last year and how they plan to approach 2019.

It’s got me thinking about my own journey and how far I’ve come in one short year. So here are the highlights:

I attended two writing events packed with advice about the publishing journey and submitting. I pitched to an agent and met up with fellow blogger, the wonderfully talented Amelia over at the Uninspired Writers.

I’ve had my submission package critiqued by the superb agent Sallyanne Sweeney and an editor from firefly publishing house. Where I received critique that strengthened my novel and helped me accept that my books are better suited to the adult genre and not YA.

I began submitting to the US where I received a few personalized feedbacks about great writing, but told my concept isn’t strong enough. Hopefully, novel 2 will have more success.

Entered PitchWars.

Entered two PitMad events over at Twitter and had interest from 1 agency and 1 publishing house. (See, they liked my concept – proving it really is subjective.) Unfortunatly, they were not the right fit for me.

One of my short stories was shortlisted in a competition by the Henshaw Press.

Photo by from Pexels

And I got to work with two new betas, giving me three amazingly supportive girls.

Uninspired Writers

Ari Meghlen

K.M. Allan

My love and eternal gratitude goes out to each and every one of you. I can’t thank you all enough for the support and encouragement I’ve received. So here’s to a new year, with new mountains to climb. Let’s take in the sights together.

Why not share your hopes and dreams for 2019 with me. What’s one thing you aim to accomplish this year? You know I love to hear from you, so please drop me a comment.

Until next time, Much Love.

Lorraine Xx

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© Author Lorraine Ambers and, 2018.

28 thoughts on “Make Powerful Intentions and Reach your Goals

  1. I don’t make real resolutions but I have some vague goals I’d like to achieve. Partially because I’m a poor judge of myself. When it comes to writing, I’d like to finish the first book of my to-be fantasy trilogy. In the end, I’ll probably judge my progress based on how much I learn on the way.

    Also, have a good new year and a great progress on your own goals!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I believe it’s more about “when” than “if”. I am the type that enjoys the journey often more than the destination and taking writing as a hobby, I can take my time.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. My biggest goal is to finally follow my dreams of being a published author. I’ve always had this dream since I was young but was told by everyone that it was unrealistic and that I needed to go to college and get a real job. So I did go to college. I finished 4 years changing my major the whole time so I never got a degree. I could never find something that interested me. I finally chose to fail out of school this past semester because I realized that I didn’t want a fancy degree and that I needed to make some changes. So I resolved to get out of my bubble and try something and I made the goal to commit to my writing. My husband is skeptical and hasn’t spoken to me too much since I broke the news to him a couple weeks ago. But I am still pushing forward. This needs to happen for me. I can’t keep putting it on hold. I have no idea where to begin but slowly I’m moving forward.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Put pen to paper and write, for that’s where the magic begins.
      How incredibly brave of you. The world often pushes us in moulds that fit the masses, forgetting that we are unique. Continue to be fearless and follow your dreams. 💙

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy New Year, Rainy! You accomplished so much in 2018, and I can’t wait to see where you go in 2019. I loved beta reading for you (and yes you do have a strong concept), and I also can’t thank you enough for the strength you gave to my MS with your insightful feedback. Here’s to a wonderful new year, full of great opportunities. You deserve them.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Reblogged this on Ethereal Seals: Dragonsoul and commented:
    Happy New Year, everyone! 2018 was a blast for me, and I can safely say my manuscript has come a long way in this past year alone. I joined a local writer’s group and found more beta readers. Several editing passes have changed my book in magnificent ways.

    My goals for this year are to find more beta readers, meet an agent, and save up enough money for an editor. The first book of Ethereal Seals should be published sometime early next year—if I’m lucky, haha. Worst comes to worst, I may self-publish, but getting more beta readers and an editor would help. We’ll see where life takes me, but I’m remaining optimistic—there’s no reason not to.

    Anyway, here’s a post from a fellow blogger.; she talks about 2019 and how to hone our creative abilities. I hope you find her post as inspiring as I did. Cheers—and enjoy the new year. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You’ve had an amazing year, and done so many awesome things! It was a pleasure not only to read your wonderful novel this year, but to meet you too. Let’s hope the opportunity arises for us to grab a coffee and natter at some point this year too ❤
    Wishing you all the best wishes and support going into 2019. Let's hope it's a huge year for writers 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You had such a wonderful year! Congrats on everything you have accomplished. ❤ "Whatever will be, will be… helped along by my hard work and determination" is such a beautiful mindset. My 2019 "resolution" is find peace and power in my truth. Good luck with everything!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a great year, you did so much and really moved your novels forward by getting feedback and advice from agencies and publishing houses. You should be so pleased with all you accomplished and I cannot see you going from strength to strength.

    I have loved beta reading for you, and watching your work grow and develop. Here’s to another great year, my friend 🥂

    Liked by 1 person

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