Hopes and Fears of a writer

As writers, we need self-discipline, perseverance and an unwavering faith in our abilities. However, as writers, we will be plagued with self-doubt, procrastination and writers block. Today we’re looking at some of the difficulties we face and how to combat the negative aspects and stay in alignment with our goals.

Let’s acknowledge some of the draw backs to being a writer. It’s often solitary; in the early days of writing a draft, the plot and our characters become our only companions. We shield ourselves from the awkwardness of admitting out loud that we are writers, to avoid the embarrassment of how we define ourselves. After all, at what point can we truly identify with being a writer, or even an author. When you’ve wrote a book? Maybe when you’ve wrote three books? Or perhaps when you get an agent? Possibly, until you hold the published novel in your hands?  

And so you keep your passion a secret, burrowed away in your fantastical worlds of words. While the fire is hot, your creativity soars and the story oozes onto the page. You feel brave and inspired, and why wouldn’t you, not only have you created conflict and tension for your characters to overcome, but you’ve also crossed those hurdles with them. Every character arc has been meticulously navigated and you’ve fuelled their emotions with your own.

Then we move onto edits; we get feedback and learn to handle criticism. Though it may pinch, you know in your heart the changes will strengthen your manuscript, and so you courageously persevere. Finally, you start submitting your work, but the rejections trickle in.


Yes, you’re on Twitter and Instagram. And yes you participate in the blogging community. You’re doing all the right things, and yet, the nagging doubts that your not quite good enough seep in. Well-meaning family and friends ask about your novels, they want to know when they can read your book. And honestly, you’d like to know when that will happen too.

This is when the plague sweeps in. What if no one likes mywork? What if I’m never published? What if I write ten books and still feel like a fraud, a complete and utter imposter. What if my dreams never come true?

Take a deep breath my friends, you’re not in this place alone. Reach out to your community and they will respond with kind words of encouragement, because they have also visited this dark place. It will pass. The anxiety will disperse. If you’ve reached this desolate place, then it’s time to take a step back and practice self-love, self-compassion and self-care.


The traditional writing industry is difficult to break into, and rejection stings. Indie authors juggle an incredible amount of responsibility, constantly striving to grow their business and reach potential readers. And writers battling their first novel have overwhelming new lessons to learn.

Whatever route you’ve taken, it takes guts to be a writer, putting your heart and soul into something for years that no one sees. Who knows what’s next? That’s not the point, look at where you’ve been and all you’ve accomplished. I congratulate you, I validate your struggles, and I’ll be here to celebrate your success.

Author Lorraine Ambers - fantasy romance writer

How do you deal with the negative side of writing? I’d love to hear your answers because I know how incredibly supportive you are.

Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, Much Love.

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© Author Lorraine Ambers and http://www.lorraineambers.com, 2019.

33 thoughts on “Hopes and Fears of a writer

  1. This blog is so relatable, and I’m sure it will be to every writer who reads it! Your reminder that we’re not in this alone, and that everybody feels this way is so reassuring. ❤ Thanks so much for posting xx

    Liked by 3 people

  2. It’s easy to convince ourselves we are the only ones suffering from this. I’ll bet everyone who reads this post will relate in something. I know I did.

    I’ve had days where I’ve said to myself – Who am I kidding? But then I realize one of my writing friends said the same thing but they haven’t stopped.

    A great post as always.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: The Sunshine Blogger Award – Roses and Thorns Books

  4. Pingback: [TRADUÇÃO] Expectativas e Medos de Escritores – Blog do Palhão

  5. This was an incredibly insightful post! I’ve certainly struggled a lot with keeping my writing momentum going & it’s incredibly reassuring knowing that other writers battle self-doubt too. Thanks for such encouraging advice. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Why do you write? What does it mean to write? Do you find purpose in writing? Is it an existential need? Can you do something else besides writing?

    The doubts surely trickle in. I think writing should be personal. It’s really no one’s business. It’s your process, it’s your life. It’s like your sexual orientation or your bank account, it’s your business and no one else’s.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. How do I deal with the negative side? I act like Dory… Just keep writing. Just keep writing. Just keep writing, writing, writing. And then I beg people to read my short stories. (I mean… BEG!)

    Liked by 1 person

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